How to Get Off Old Dry Erase Marker

Stubborn stains from dry-erase markers are super annoying. If you’re tired of buying a new dry-erase board every time you get a fresh dry-erase marker stain, this is the post for you.

Below, you can find some of the best methods on how to remove permanent marker stains so that you can continue using your whiteboards time and time again. 

Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol contains isopropyl alcohol which is effective at removing tough dry erase marker stains from non-porous surfaces. 

  • Apply the rubbing alcohol to a soft cloth or paper towel and rub the marks off your whiteboard surface.
  • Use circular motions to rub the stain until it disappears.
  • Once the marker stains are gone, use a damp cloth to remove any of the remaining cleaning solution. 

Dry Erase Marker

Grab a dry-erase marker and draw over the old dry-erase marker stains. It’s best to use a black marker for this process.

  • Once you’ve covered the old marks with the new ink, use a cloth or paper towel to wipe the board clean. 
  • Be sure not to let the new ink dry. The ink from the new drawings seeps into the old stain which makes it easier to remove the dry erase marks.
  • You could also use a dry-erase board eraser to get rid of the marks. 
  • This may take a few attempts to completely remove the permanent marker stain. Therefore, you may need to put more elbow grease into it. 

Baking Soda

  • Combine a small amount of baking soda with water in a bowl.
  • Mix the ingredients until you create a smooth paste. 
  • Apply the paste to the dry-erase ink stain and use a dry cloth to rub the area.
  • Once you’ve removed the stain from your dry-erase board, use dish soap and a wet sponge to clean the surface. 

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is effective at removing the most stubborn stains from dry-erase markers. 

  • Pour the peroxide onto the stained area and let it soak in. Use a dry cloth or paper towels to wipe the area clean. 
  • If there are still tiny particles left on the whiteboard, rub the area again until the marks completely disappear.

Car Wax

  • Apply the car wax to a cloth or cotton ball and use a circular motion to the old marks. 
  • Once you’ve removed the stain, use a clean cloth or paper towel to wipe clean the area.  


So, that concludes our post on some of the best ways to remove old marks and tough stains from dry-erase markers off your whiteboard. Be sure to implement these cleaning methods to leave your whiteboard clean and free from marks. 

Also read: How to Remove Dry-Erase Marker From Clothes


Can you use hand sanitizer to remove stains caused by felt eraser marks?

Yes. Hand sanitizer contains acetone which is excellent for getting rid of the most stubborn stains caused by permanent markers.

Are nail polish remover and rubbing alcohol the same?

No, nail polish remover and rubbing alcohol are NOT the same. Rubbing alcohol is just that, it’s alcohol that you pour on cuts and grazes or to sanitize parts of your body. Nail polish remover is basically acetone which will dissolve through most substances at different rates.

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Written By Adam Rushton

Adam has made a name for himself in the illustration industry and is a passionate blogger and writer on the subject of art, illustration and graphic design.

His artwork has been featured in countless publications and used for very well-known media projects. As a professional illustrator for over 20 years, Adams media outlets, a wealth of knowledge, and experience enable him to consult and advise artists and illustrators in this country (from York and Manchester to Southampton and London) and all over the world.
